ciao2-The history of the company during its 30- years life goes in parallel to the development of information technology and multimedia communications, spanning from Videotel and video discs and CD-ROMs to current Web applications, with various intermediate steps and side activities.
CNC Centro Nuova Comunicazione was founded in 1984 by a group of 7 share holders, as a spin-off and with the patronage of Guglielmo Marconi Foundation, as a company merging engineering and multimedia expertise (computer, television and telematics). CNC scope was to provide turnkey multimedia (as they will be named later) solutions, based on advanced information and communication technologies (ICT), including those for communication of information at a distance, made available by the emerging Telematics.
CNC therefore initially presents both the characteristics of a software house and a communication agency, closely following the rapid evolution of both technologies, increasingly converging. From first applications based on Videotel and videodiscs, then CNC moved to CD-I, CD-ROMs and finally Web sites on the Internet.
Many of these first applications are already addressing the railway world, initiating an activity in such sector which still continues today.
From the ICT point of view, the company followed and sometimes anticipated technological changes, based on application needs, moving from C, Java and Microsoft .NET. What did not change is the passion we put in our work, the proudness to develop original and innovative solutions, putting customer needs in first position.
2005-2009 - INTEGRAIL
Participation in the European research project InteGRail, focussed on the development of a platform for the interoperability of railway Information Systems.
Partecipazione al progetto di ricerca europeo InteGRail, centrato sullo sviluppo di una piattaforma per l’interoperabilità dei sistemi informativi ferroviari.
2002-2004 - Examiner
System for automated evaluation and self-assessment of students, trainees and participants in any type of course.
Sistema per la valutazione ed autovalutazione automatizzata di studenti, discenti e partecipanti ad ogni tipo di corso.
2002-2005 - EUROMAIN
Participation in the European research project EuRoMain, related to advanced solutions for the maintenance support of railway rolling stock.
Partecipazione al progetto di ricerca europeo EuRoMain relativo ad applicazioni avanzate per il supporto alla manutenzione dei rotabili ferroviari.
2001-2003 - GAAM
Automated Management System for support and maintenance of on-board railway subsystems.
GAAM Sistema di Gestione Automatizzata Assistenza e Manutenzione, relativo a sottosistemi ferroviari installati a bordo.
2000-2003 - TRAINCOM
Participation in the European research project TrainCom on networked applications on-board trains and train-ground communications.
Partecipazione al progetto di ricerca europeo TrainCom sulla applicazioni in rete a bordo treno e le comunicazioni terra-treno.
1984 - Videotel
First automated telematic services, with automatic generation of Videotel pages and use of the personal computer as end-device to receive and display them.
Primi servizi telematici automatizzati, con generazione automatica di pagine Videotel e uso del personal computer come terminale intelligente.